Many medical services are available at our facility. We routinely perform bone marrow aspirates, CSF taps, intra-dermal skin testing, as well as endoscopy, chemotherapy and advanced imaging services. Our veterinarians manage many chronic medical conditions in cats and dogs.
We are proud to offer endoscopy at The Oaks Vet. We have two different endoscopes available – an Olympus video-endoscope which is indicated for visualization and biopsy of the upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, vaginoscopy, and bronchoscopy.
We can perform foreign body retrieval on most esophageal and gastric foreign bodies. We can also perform esophageal stricture dilation via endoscope guidance. A smaller cystoscope allows both visualization of bladder and urethral lesions, as well as lesion biopsy and small cystolith removal in dogs of all sizes. Our rhinoscope facilitates lesion identification and sampling in the nasal cavity, as well as foreign body removal.
We have the ability of continuous ECG monitoring for hospitalized patients, as well as oxygen therapy. Stabilization and treatment of congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmias is available.
The Oaks Vet offers chemotherapy for dogs and cats diagnosed with many types of cancer. Chemotherapy can occur as sole management of cancer, or can be used in conjunction with surgery. Our veterinarians are comfortable with chemotherapeutic agents and take the time to discuss the risks, benefits and side effects of treating a pet with chemotherapy. Protocols are designed for the specific patient and cancer type, with individual survival estimates discussed during the consultation. Chemotherapy is offered to our general practice clients as well as on a referral basis.